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Our hiring cycle is now closed.

Please return to this page for updates on future opportunities.


+ What is the time commitment?

All Research Assistants in the lab are required to commit to 8 hours per week during the year excluding any individual vacations or breaks. All members of the lab must be available for in person lab meetings Thursdays from 1-2:30pm. All lab members must commit to a minimum of one year of working in the lab. We cannot consider applications from individuals who are not available and physically present in New York for the year.

+ Is there a paid position?

All of the positions within the lab are unpaid positions filled by volunteers. However, Research Assistants can apply on their own to grant opportunities and resources within NYU for financial support. We are happy to provide letters of support for funding opportunities as appropriate.

+ Are Non-NYU students able to apply?

At this time, we are only able to accept applications from individuals affiliated with NYU.

+ Do I need to have previous research experience?

Previous research experience is not a requirement to be in the lab, but it is a plus.

+ Do I need to be pre-med/a science major to be in the lab?

No, being pre-med or a Biology/Chemistry major is not a requirement. We have accepted people studying Politics, Sociology, Psychology, Global Public Health and more, many of whom have no intention of going to medical school. We love to have a diversity of academic backgrounds in the lab as it provides additional perspectives and makes our work stronger.

+ Does the Empower Lab accept applicants who are no longer students?

The Empower Lab only accepts applications from individuals who are currently enrolled in NYU programs or affiliated with NYU. Being a student or affiliated with NYU is a requirement to become a research assistant in the Empower Lab.

+ What are the application cycles?

Non-Medical Student Applicants: The Empower Lab has 2 application cycles per year: Summer (apply in March-April, start in June) and Fall (apply in July-August, start in September)

Medical Student: The Empower Lab has 1 application cycle: Winter (apply in October-November, start in December). To know when our application cycles open, please subscribe to our Newsletter and follow us on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook).

+ What kind of writing sample do I need to provide?

Any sort of academic work is fine. Our members have submitted anything from lab reports to literature research papers. Send us something you think showcases your writing abilities. The desired length is specified in our hiring flyer. Your work must be in English. 

+ What should I do to prepare for my interview?

Make sure you understand what our lab is and what we do. Review our website carefully to familiarize yourself with our mission and the research and advocacy work that we do. You can also follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook . If any specific teams interest you, tell us that!  

General Information

+ How has the lab been affected by COVID-19?

Prior to COVID-19, all research assistants were required to attend weekly, in-person meetings in NYC. However, currently the lab is holding all weekly meetings remotely via zoom. We do not expect to resume in person meetings until it is safe to have group meetings in New York State. Research assistants will be given ample prior notice before in-person meetings resume to make necessary adjustments.

+ What does the Empower Lab do? Is it a wet lab? Is it an advocacy organization?

The Empower Lab is a public health research lab that studies the intersection of sexual- and gender-based violence and health. While we also do advocacy, we are not primarily an advocacy organization, nor are we a wetlab. The detailed descriptions of our lab research projects can be found under the Our Projects tab.

+ What skills will I be able to develop?

The lab focuses on development of research and leadership skills. These include: study design, recruitment, data extraction and analysis, presentation skills, time management, professional communication, scientific writing, advocacy, personnel management, mentoring, and task delegation.

+ What opportunities will I have to grow?

The Empower Lab offers several opportunities for student Research Assistants (RAs) to progress in the lab. RAs conduct research and have the opportunity to progress to more advanced roles such as Team Leader (TLs) guiding a specific research project, and Associate Director of Research. These promotions are based on merit.

+ Can I receive experimental learning credit?

Members of the lab may request to receive experimental learning credit or other course credit after completing one semester with the lab if Dr. Ades's approval is required. Please contact the lab via our email listed on the contact page if there are any further questions or concerns.